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Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Project Eco Column - Ben R, Alexis B, and Josh B

The purpose of the 3 sectioned Eco Column project is to try and built a self sustaining ecosystem to see if organisms placed in it can survive and sustain themselves. The abiotic factors in in each section is the rocks, they add minerals and also add to the environment's landscape. The biotic factors within the eco column would be in the first section the fish that will be added after the column as well as bacteria that should act as a filter for the fish filth. Our group is attempting to discover if creating an independent ecosystem can surviv on its own. We did not use a hypothesis becuase conditions are the same all the time, but with this experiment the conditions are changing all the time. At the end the decompision lay should be bigger, the grass will hopefully have grown, the fish should be thriving living well.

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